
Game made for a 15-week game design course. Worked in a team of 5 where I was in charge of project management and any other assistance including lighting and asset implementation. Hellbent is a 3D game using the Unreal engine, progress through 2 different levels to collect the Devil’s golden instruments.

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Project Post Mortem

What would you do if you had more time?

In our initial concept we had 4 different mazes, all with different mechanics. If we had more time it would have been great to see all 4 fully implemented with no issues. We had started development on the 3rd & 4th maze, but we had to scrap them as we were unable to get the technical issues solved in time.

What would you do differently next time?

This project was my first time in game development studio, & there’s a lot I learned that I would do differently next time. Since this was our first time in studio, the sophomores in our group trusted the upperclassmen in our group blindly. This ended up causing a lot of miscommunication issues as we didn’t realize what was & wasn’t feasible & when people really knew what they were doing or not. We didn’t ask for help until the end of the semester, which is something we should have done a lot sooner. Talking to the TA we were able to fix a lot of bugs in our code & get a better idea of how to use Unreal.

What did you learn?

This was my first project in 3D & my first project using Unreal, so I learned a lot about these aspects of development. While I didn’t work a lot with the blueprint system, I did learn how to operate the UE4 interface as well as how to properly import & place assets. I also took the time to learn about lighting & created a shader that we used in the game. I learned from my teammates what it takes to make, rig, & animate models for games. Optimization is an important part of the process that should not be ignored! I was also able to learn better management tools & methodologies from other people in the class.