
Game made for the LIVE Lab COVID-19 jam, a jam emphasizing the importance of social distancing through video games. The game was made in two weeks within a group of four. I was responsible for project management as well as some coding systems and minor asset modeling/texturing. Our team won 3rd Overall as well as Best in Design. Stephanie is a 3D game using Unreal Engine 4, walk around your room and complete tasks to discover the narrative behind social distancing in the midst of quarantine.

Download Project Here 

Project Post Mortem

What would you do if you had more time?

During the jam we actually ran out of time to fully implement the second day of our game, we decided to submit to the jam with a version only including the first day. Since we were passionate about the project, after the jam we decided to work on it for a few more days to get all of our mechanics in as seamlessly as possible. Given more time, I would have liked to do more testing to make sure everything ran smoothly as well as been able to add more content to the game.

What would you do differently next time? 

If I could go back I would have tried to make sure to get more of the content in and tested before hand. We ran into some build issues last minute that cost us precious time. It’s important to always account extra time for technical issues and make sure things are done sooner rather than later.

What did you learn? 

I actually learned a lot from this project. This was my first time using Substance Painter so I learned it from the ground up to create minor assets for the game. It was also my first time using CSVs in Unreal to create options that influenced the game. I learned a lot more about the blueprint system and how it works by creating the chess system as well as some of the other interactable objects.